Why is it named Stephen Ministry?
In the book of Acts (6), Stephen is the first layperson commissioned by the Apostles to provide care for the new Christian community.

What does a Stephen Minister do?
Share Christ’s Love
Maintain Confidentiality
Offer Safe, Non-Judgmental Support
Explore Feelings

Is there a fee for seeing a Stephen Minister?
No – this is a volunteer ministry and no fees are charged.

What are examples of someone who might benefit from seeing a Stephen Minister?
People who are:

Struggling with parenting issues
Separated or in the process of a divorce
Terminally ill
Experiencing a job loss
Experiencing hurt
Struggling with their faith
Adjusting to a life-changing situation

What do I do if I know someone who would benefit from speaking with a Stephen Minister?
First, you should speak with that person and ask for their permission to request that a Stephen Minister contact them.

Is this ministry really confidential?
All meetings and the contents of those meetings with your Stephen Minister are held in strict confidence. The only person who will know the details of your conversation with your Stephen Minister is your Stephen Minister. All Stephen Ministers are required to participate in supervision meetings where an outline of care-receivers’ situations are shared, but no names are used and no identifying details disclosed. The purpose of the supervisory meetings is to make sure your Stephen Minister is providing you with the best possible Christian care.

How long will I be able to see my Stephen Minister?
Everyone’s situation is unique; there are no deadlines. Care will be ended when you feel as though you no longer need to see your Stephen Minister, or if your Stephen Minister feels that they are no longer benefiting you.

What kind of training do Stephen Ministers receive?
Stephen Ministers receive 50 hours of intense training before they are ever assigned a care-receiver. After the initial training, all Stephen Ministers are required to participate in continuing education programs and are supervised to ensure they are providing high-quality Christian care.

What do I do if I want to talk with a Stephen Minister?
Contact one of the Stephen Leaders if you or someone you know might benefit from speaking with a Stephen Minister.

How can I become involved in Stephen Ministry?
Pray for the Stephen Ministers and Stephen Leaders. Decide if God is calling you to become a Stephen Minister. Call one of the Stephen Leaders if you want to learn more about Stephen Ministry.



For those that are hearing impaired, St. Philips has listening devices.
These devices are stored in a rack to the left of the door leading to the Sanctuary. It would be greatly appreciated if they are turned off after each usage.