Communion is celebrated every Sunday. All Christian believers are welcome to receive this gift of salvation. Parents of young children (who are not yet receiving communion) are encouraged to bring them forward to receive an individual blessing from the pastor. Come and receive the gift of life from our Lord and Savior! Parents of young children will be quietly asked by the pastor if the child should receive communion or a blessing.
Communion is received by the method of intinction. The ushers will invite you to come forward to receive the blessing. You will receive the bread from the pastor, which should be held until you are offered the wine (or optional grape juice). You should dip the bread into the chalice, before placing it in your mouth.
For those that are hearing impaired, St. Philips has listening devices.
These devices are stored in a rack to the left of the door leading to the Sanctuary. It would be greatly appreciated if they are turned off after each usage.