The Men's Challenge Group meets each Wednesday morning year round from 6:30 a.m. to 7:30 a.m. in the Church Fellowship Hall and anyone is welcome to join us as they are able.
This group is aptly named, not so much because it is a challenge to get up and arrive at church at 6:30 a.m., as much as for the truth that we recognize how challenging it is to live as a man of God and a person of faith in the world today. The demands of work and family make it difficult to find a time to root ourselves in God's Word and make it difficult to understand how our "real world" activities are compatible with a life of faith. Each week this group of men gather for prayer, discussion, and (of course) coffee prior to the beginning of the work day to center ourselves in faith. We learn from one another, we challenge one another, and we hold one another accountable for the faith that is so important to every aspect of our lives.
For more information on this gathering, contact Pastor Downes or the church office.
For those that are hearing impaired, St. Philips has listening devices.
These devices are stored in a rack to the left of the door leading to the Sanctuary. It would be greatly appreciated if they are turned off after each usage.