Kyrie Eleison
Kyrie Eleison on our world and on our way
Kyrie Eleison ev'ry day
For peace in the world
For the health of the church
For the unity of all
For this holy house
For all who worship and praise
Let us pray to the Lord
Let us pray to the Lord
Kyrie Eleison on our world and on our way
Kyrie Eleison ev'ry day
That we may live out
Your impassioned response
To the hungry and the poor
That we may live out
Truth and justice and grace
Let us pray to the Lord
Let us pray to the Lord
Kyrie Eleison on our world and on our way
Kyrie Eleison ev'ry day
For peace in our hearts
For peace in our homes
For friends and family
For life and for love
For our work and our play
Let us pray to the Lord
Let us pray to the Lord
Kyrie Eleison on our world and on our way
Kyrie Eleison ev'ry day
For Your Spirit to guide
That You center our lives
In the water and the Word
That You nourish our souls
With Your body and blood
Let us pray to the Lord
Let us pray to the Lord
For those that are hearing impaired, St. Philips has listening devices.
These devices are stored in a rack to the left of the door leading to the Sanctuary. It would be greatly appreciated if they are turned off after each usage.