Stephen Ministry provides one-on-one care to those in need. We serve as a confidential ear; walking along side a person experiencing personal troubles, making sure those who are hurting know they can safely share their pain with someone who cares.
Stephen ministers are available at the end of each service.
Stephen Ministry Vision Statement
We will serve the church’s membership and the surrounding community by:
Training and supervising Stephen Ministers
Building awareness of and marketing Stephen Ministry resources
Connecting with and cooperating with other local Stephen Ministry congregations
We will help people who are hurting as a result of life’s occurrences by:
Listening to them
Praying with and for them
Walking with them through their troubled time(s)
Maintaining strict confidentiality
Following the precepts, training and supervision of the Stephen Ministry organization
We will follow Jesus’ command to share one another’s burdens, and through this ministry help fulfill the Great Commission to create disciples.
We are trained and supervised care-givers who are answering God’s calling to provide a caring ministry to our church and the community. We are not professional counselors, psychologists or psychiatrists. For those whose needs exceed our capabilities to provide effective care, we will offer referrals directing them to qualified individuals, agencies, or service groups.
In all cases, we rely upon God to be the cure-giver and seek his guidance as we endeavor to help those in need.
Click on this video to hear Rev. Dr. Kenneth Haugk, the Lutheran Pastor who first developed Stephen Ministry, speak about the richness and value of Stephen Ministry:
Click on this video to hear how Stephen Ministry has transformed the people of Good Shepherd Lutheran Church in Raleigh, North Carolina as well as Christians in over 10,000 Christian churches around the world:
What is a Stephen Minister?
A Stephen Minister is a trained and supervised care-giver who has answered God's calling to provide Christian care to individuals who are hurting. They are trained to listen and empathize in a safe, non-judgmental, environment. A Stephen Minister is not a replacement for a professional counselor; we will gladly refer you to an appropriate person and/or agency should your needs exceed our ability to provide effective care.
Become a Stephen Minister
Stephen Ministers receive 50 hours of intense training conducted by the church's Stephen Leaders. Pre-class reading and studying helps Stephen Ministers prepare for each class. All books and materials are provided by the church.
Once a class is completed, there is a commissioning ceremony where a public declaration of one's commitment is made to provide care in accord with the mission of the church and its Stephen Ministry program. Continuing education classes and supervisory sessions are held every two weeks for those who have completed the training course. It is our intent to help Stephen Ministers to continue to develop and maintain their skills, and provide effective Christian care to church members and the surrounding community.
Still have questions?
Visit FAQs for answers to your questions about Stephen Minsitry.
To learn more about Stephen Ministry or to request a Stephen Minister contact the church office to Speak with John Swift, Stephen Leader or Pastor Patrick
For those that are hearing impaired, St. Philips has listening devices.
These devices are stored in a rack to the left of the door leading to the Sanctuary. It would be greatly appreciated if they are turned off after each usage.