Holy Communion at St. Philip’s
Communion is celebrated every Sunday at both worship services and everyone is welcome to receive this gift of God’s love and grace. Communion is served to each member by the pastor and assisting ministers. You will receive a piece of the bread from the pastor and you will receive the wine (or grape juice – as you choose) in your own individual cup. Gluten free bread and juice are available for anyone who needs it – just let the pastor know.
First Communion is normally received in second or third grade depending on parents’ preference. The First Communion class is taught in the late winter so children are ready to receive First Communion on the first or second Sunday after Easter Sunday. In the meantime, parents of young children (who are not yet receiving communion) are encouraged to bring them forward to receive an individual blessing from the pastor. If you are new to St. Philip’s the pastor may quietly ask the parents whether the child should receive communion or a blessing.