St. Philip’s Youth Group
This is one incredible group of young people!! A group that loves to serve together, worship together, play games together, laugh together, fundraise together, and learn together! You won’t find any other youth group like this one! We are so proud of and love our young people. We pride ourselves on having a top-notch and innovative youth group curriculum and calendar of events. All are welcome!!
The Middle School and High School years of our young peoples’ lives can be a time of great turmoil, discover, excitement, and challenge. We have always believed that this is the time when youth most need to hear the gospel, the good news, that there is nothing that can separate us from God’s love in Christ Jesus our Lord. Too often, at school our young people are caught up in trying to be who other people want them to be. Too often, they see themselves through the lens of who other people tell them they should be. We know that God sees us as he created us – beloved children of God.
As such the youth group experience at St. Philip’s is designed to give youth a safe space to be welcomed, accepted, and nurtured for who they are and who they are discovering themselves to be. We run the youth program on three pillars: building relationships with one another; building relationships with God; and building relationships with the Community. As such we engage in events throughout the year that help us have fun with each other, learn about God, and serve the World.
Along with a cadre of loving adults, we work to provide role models and faith experiences in these most important years of our young peoples’ lives. For more information contact Pastor Amy in the Church office.
For the Schedule of Events for this coming year click the button below the picture.