St. Philip’s Memorial Prayer Garden

The Memorial Prayer Garden was dedicated and designed as a peaceful place for prayer, reflection and remembrance. The garden is located on the north end of the building on the rear side of the building to provide a buffer between those who come to mediate and pray and the traffic on the road. In that way, the garden is intended to be an outdoor sanctuary from the busy-ness of the world. A portion of the garden is also designated as a place where people may place the cremated remains of loved ones.
The use of the garden is not limited to church members, and is available to all persons. Visiting hours for the garden are dawn to dusk. The garden is currently reached by a sidewalk path along the church building – that way it is accessible to those who have mobility issues.
Inside the church building will be a memorial plaque on which the names of all the persons whose ashes have been scattered or buried in the garden will be listed, along with their date of birth and date of death. Additionally, the records of all persons whose ashes have been scattered or buried in the garden will be noted in the Parish Register.
O Lord, support us all the day long of this troubled life, until the shadows lengthen and the evening comes and the busy world is hushed, the fever of life is over, and our work is done. Then, in your mercy, grant us a safe lodging, and a holy rest, and peace at the last, through Jesus Christ our Lord.”
Anyone who wishes to scatter or bury the ashes of loved ones in the garden should contact the pastor or the council president of St. Philip’s. There is a great deal of flexibility in the timing of the service. It could occur immediately before or after a memorial service at the church, or could take place many weeks or months later at the convenience of the family. The details of the internment service can also vary considerably, according to circumstance and the needs and wishes of the family, and should be scheduled and planned in consultation with the pastor.
Ashes may be scattered or buried only in the designated area of the garden. If ashes are buried, they are to be deposited directly in the ground (no urns or other containers). No individual grave markers, holiday decorations, or memorial flowers are permitted in the garden. The garden is not a place for the deposition of pets’ ashes.
Contributions toward the cost of maintaining and improving the garden are always welcome and much needed; gifts may be made to “St. Philip’s Lutheran Church” and designated for the “Memorial Prayer Garden Fund.” For additional information, please contact the church office.