Grocery Club at St. Philip’s
Grocery Club is St. Philip’s food ministry. We serve people who are food insecure and everyone we serve must qualify by income to participate. Twice a month we distribute food that has been pre-ordered from the Food Bank of DE.
We typically order items such as meats, dairy, canned vegetables, soup and canned fruit. In addition, we often buy fresh fruits and vegetables at Produce Junction. We also periodically give away donated clothing and household items.
The Grocery Club takes place on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of each month from 2:00 – 3:30. On the 2nd Wednesday, the combined food order for the month is picked up at 1:15 at the Food Bank. Volunteers with large vehicles (preferably pickup trucks) are needed to pick up the order and bring it back to St. Philip’s.
When the food arrives, we need volunteers to help unload and put the food in the pantry or the kitchen. We also need volunteers from 12:30- 3:30 for set up, distribution (including helping people take groceries to their cars) and clean up at the end of the program.
If you would like to be a part of this amazing ministry, please contact the church office and we would be happy to connect you with the Grocery Club coordinator.

Volunteers Retrieve Food
Using Pickup Trucks

Food is Sorted So Guests
Can Do Their Own Shopping

We Often Have Food for the
“Special” Family Members

Guests Are Welcomed and
Checked In Before They Shop